
LTC - Litecoin MarketsLitecoin

$ 112.73
814,212.86 LTC
75,438,956.25 LTC
Circulation market cap
Increase in the last 3 months
Increase in the last 6 months
Increase in the last 12 months
# Height Date Difficult Difficulty increase
521 1,673,280 2019-07-25 04:23:00 15,524,545.000353 -2.48%
522 1,671,264 2019-07-21 14:15:02 15,919,941.656435 -2.36%
523 1,669,248 2019-07-18 00:08:35 16,304,271.465686 -1.25%
524 1,667,232 2019-07-14 11:05:35 16,510,914.983181 +8.50%
525 1,665,216 2019-07-11 05:39:12 15,218,132.43865 -0.69%
526 1,663,200 2019-07-07 17:04:13 15,323,970.042648 -2.24%
527 1,661,184 2019-07-04 03:08:27 15,674,377.021641 +1.97%
528 1,659,168 2019-06-30 16:48:06 15,372,175.470954 -0.32%
529 1,657,152 2019-06-27 04:29:26 15,421,766.611403 +5.22%
530 1,655,136 2019-06-23 20:40:20 14,656,218.432131 +3.99%
531 1,653,120 2019-06-20 11:58:57 14,093,558.214679 +3.12%
532 1,651,104 2019-06-17 02:25:44 13,667,659.27727 +3.43%
533 1,649,088 2019-06-13 17:13:53 13,214,605.85027 -2.66%
534 1,647,072 2019-06-10 02:56:55 13,575,183.664761 +6.38%
535 1,645,056 2019-06-06 19:57:12 12,760,934.187858 -1.78%
536 1,643,040 2019-06-03 06:27:45 12,991,939.530894 +2.70%
537 1,641,024 2019-05-30 20:40:28 12,650,522.367885 +0.89%
538 1,639,008 2019-05-27 09:23:29 12,539,144.101728 +3.90%
539 1,636,992 2019-05-24 00:35:38 12,068,038.487948 -0.82%
540 1,634,976 2019-05-20 11:59:39 12,167,399.08105 -0.56%