
LTC - Litecoin MarketsLitecoin

$ 96.88
1,309,554.83 LTC
75,229,987.5 LTC
Circulation market cap
Increase in the last 3 months
Increase in the last 6 months
Increase in the last 12 months
# Height Date Difficult Difficulty increase
1181 310,464 2013-03-10 11:34:29 38.892634097263 +10.41%
1182 308,448 2013-03-07 07:28:30 35.22543745827 +39.38%
1183 306,432 2013-03-04 19:10:58 25.273509526736 +43.57%
1184 304,416 2013-03-02 08:41:34 17.603441582288 +11.28%
1185 302,400 2013-02-27 05:12:29 15.819575132553 -4.14%
1186 300,384 2013-02-23 13:35:18 16.503091201511 -11.63%
1187 298,368 2013-02-19 14:37:55 18.675720503601 +16.92%
1188 296,352 2013-02-16 14:42:44 15.9730370455 -23.18%
1189 294,336 2013-02-12 01:21:11 20.793880186708 +1.28%
1190 292,320 2013-02-08 14:23:27 20.531819071862 -0.05%
1191 290,304 2013-02-05 02:19:55 20.542880932556 +8.48%
1192 288,288 2013-02-01 20:53:13 18.937416188442 -6.78%
1193 286,272 2013-01-29 02:52:51 20.314065377616 -1.00%
1194 284,256 2013-01-25 14:02:18 20.518811503379 +3.61%
1195 282,240 2013-01-22 04:55:20 19.804305560966 -28.45%
1196 280,224 2013-01-17 07:26:27 27.680504477036 +16.29%
1197 278,208 2013-01-14 07:12:56 23.802744763653 -18.37%
1198 276,192 2013-01-10 00:18:20 29.160687468714 +11.68%
1199 274,176 2013-01-06 21:09:05 26.112081282743 -23.92%
1200 272,160 2013-01-02 06:41:35 34.321836776027 +12.37%