BTC Mining Difficult Increase
BCH Mining Difficult Increase
BSV Mining Difficult Increase
LTC Mining Difficult Increase
LTC Mining Reverse Calculator
LTC Mining Profitability Calculator
LTC - Litecoin MarketsLitecoin
929,664.42 LTC
75,433,768.75 LTC
Circulation market cap
Increase in the last 3 months
Increase in the last 6 months
Increase in the last 12 months
# | Height | Date | Difficult | Difficulty increase |
1261 | 181,440 | 2012-07-29 12:02:10 | 8.8798556947232 | +6.12% |
1262 | 179,424 | 2012-07-26 04:55:12 | 8.3676779526098 | +17.10% |
1263 | 177,408 | 2012-07-23 05:12:06 | 7.1460346803082 | +6.84% |
1264 | 175,392 | 2012-07-19 22:33:28 | 6.6883939324717 | +8.39% |
1265 | 173,376 | 2012-07-16 17:04:27 | 6.1706384016401 | +4.90% |
1266 | 171,360 | 2012-07-13 08:59:30 | 5.8823265416031 | +1.46% |
1267 | 169,344 | 2012-07-09 22:13:52 | 5.7978058343822 | +70.44% |
1268 | 167,328 | 2012-07-07 20:55:23 | 3.4016089809017 | +39.39% |
1269 | 165,312 | 2012-07-05 08:39:26 | 2.4404182046293 | +16.21% |
1270 | 163,296 | 2012-07-02 08:21:37 | 2.0999620361206 | +11.98% |
1271 | 161,280 | 2012-06-29 05:18:21 | 1.8753755902132 | +14.20% |
1272 | 159,264 | 2012-06-26 03:45:55 | 1.6422342504886 | +39.07% |
1273 | 157,248 | 2012-06-23 15:21:36 | 1.1808533640852 | +3.31% |
1274 | 155,232 | 2012-06-20 06:06:12 | 1.1429991628296 | -3.54% |
1275 | 153,216 | 2012-06-16 14:57:19 | 1.1849313830076 | +6.11% |
1276 | 151,200 | 2012-06-13 07:50:48 | 1.1167439165701 | -0.49% |
1277 | 149,184 | 2012-06-09 19:21:54 | 1.1222323064541 | +4.78% |
1278 | 147,168 | 2012-06-06 11:15:39 | 1.0709908319851 | +3.98% |
1279 | 145,152 | 2012-06-03 02:27:20 | 1.030003457706 | -0.56% |
1280 | 143,136 | 2012-05-30 14:03:51 | 1.0357989568516 | -13.15% |
- Hashrate 1,780.33TH/S
- Difficulty66,692,986.89728
- Next Difficulty66,389,018.051925
- Difficult Increase-0.46%
- Date to Next Difficulty 1.97天
- Halving Time2027-07-28 22:11
- Date to Halving921.17天
- Blocks Count2,829,405
- Mined75,433,775 LTC
- No Mined8,566,224.9076 LTC
- Earnings/T1.885 LTC