Bitcoin Cash

BCH - Bitcoin Cash MarketsBitcoin Cash

$ 464.30
63,763.65 BCH
19,817,940.625 BCH
Circulation market cap
Increase in the last 3 months
Increase in the last 6 months
Increase in the last 12 months
# Height Date Difficult Difficulty increase
1781 599,472 2019-09-09 17:19:16 293,759,226,903.15 -9.19%
1782 599,328 2019-09-08 16:57:37 323,501,921,649.55 +15.64%
1783 599,184 2019-09-07 18:35:59 279,751,738,444.25 +3.16%
1784 599,040 2019-09-06 18:25:28 271,175,544,565.12 -8.72%
1785 598,896 2019-09-05 17:29:17 297,070,356,766.86 +2.30%
1786 598,752 2019-09-04 18:13:09 290,388,793,841.73 +0.96%
1787 598,608 2019-09-03 17:30:32 287,634,601,364.79 -7.87%
1788 598,464 2019-09-02 17:28:19 312,195,066,533.37 +5.37%
1789 598,320 2019-09-01 17:33:16 296,283,709,879.07 +6.79%
1790 598,176 2019-08-31 19:24:13 277,438,075,959.59 -2.29%
1791 598,032 2019-08-30 17:28:05 283,944,101,061.2 -4.02%
1792 597,888 2019-08-29 17:06:18 295,828,777,691.88 +0.55%
1793 597,744 2019-08-28 17:07:25 294,218,623,018.85 -2.95%
1794 597,600 2019-08-27 17:08:45 303,157,070,122.89 -1.29%
1795 597,456 2019-08-26 17:24:21 307,108,219,897.37 +5.17%
1796 597,312 2019-08-25 18:11:44 292,003,333,223.78 -2.11%
1797 597,168 2019-08-24 17:21:48 298,311,286,064.47 -2.36%
1798 597,024 2019-08-23 17:54:27 305,529,973,695.41 +6.50%
1799 596,880 2019-08-22 18:34:29 286,892,501,757.03 +2.39%
1800 596,736 2019-08-21 18:00:46 280,208,648,261.15 -1.32%