Bitcoin Cash

BCH - Bitcoin Cash MarketsBitcoin Cash

$ 469.15
61,694.46 BCH
19,817,643.75 BCH
Circulation market cap
Increase in the last 3 months
Increase in the last 6 months
Increase in the last 12 months
# Height Date Difficult Difficulty increase
2281 527,328 2018-04-25 01:52:59 635,217,166,739.84 +15.79%
2282 527,184 2018-04-24 02:53:25 548,608,954,549.12 +12.66%
2283 527,040 2018-04-23 03:23:20 486,960,333,889.52 +4.31%
2284 526,896 2018-04-22 02:37:52 466,838,318,926.47 -3.42%
2285 526,752 2018-04-21 02:37:50 483,380,031,437.33 +10.10%
2286 526,608 2018-04-20 03:28:59 439,036,914,322.71 +4.96%
2287 526,464 2018-04-19 04:45:19 418,281,366,976.46 +14.16%
2288 526,320 2018-04-18 07:23:28 366,397,649,399.99 +3.97%
2289 526,176 2018-04-17 07:24:34 352,394,130,030.76 -7.98%
2290 526,032 2018-04-16 06:35:29 382,941,097,362.44 +3.99%
2291 525,888 2018-04-15 06:49:45 368,255,197,660.86 +3.45%
2292 525,744 2018-04-14 08:03:55 355,964,621,769.44 +14.27%
2293 525,600 2018-04-13 09:32:52 311,518,866,814.67 -11.38%
2294 525,456 2018-04-12 06:41:38 351,507,097,931.64 +8.52%
2295 525,312 2018-04-11 07:28:44 323,907,644,189.07 -6.96%
2296 525,168 2018-04-10 07:02:26 348,141,053,394.37 +9.56%
2297 525,024 2018-04-09 07:36:00 317,776,665,812.43 -8.64%
2298 524,880 2018-04-08 05:49:46 347,836,869,442.84 +5.58%
2299 524,736 2018-04-07 07:54:46 329,468,894,292.77 +1.56%
2300 524,592 2018-04-06 08:07:09 324,413,674,689.46 -8.05%